Friday, February 10, 2017

Hi all!

Snowed in the cold NE for the last two days. I want to create this message earlier but life is full of things that will side track you!

I visited with my brother over the weekend. He showed me some really awesome late game quests. I can not wait for everyone to experience them. In my excitement I almost shared a picture that could possible have contained a late game story spoiler. Luckily Bob reeled me back in and I will have to be more conscientious of this in the future. I just wanted to share a cool scene to everyone interested! :) Funny note. We actually died in our own game. We know everything but still had our foes vanquish us. Hopefully it offers a good challenge for everyone.

Well behind the scenes a lot of things are in motion. There are so many items that I don't want to start sharing until things become official but, wow, being in contact with some of the people we are trying to make connections to is awesome. It is really one of those weird moments that you never thought you'd see as a kid (at least for me).

Right now we are looking to start a multipoint marketing strategy. We have a lot of ideas but zero capital to start. It is very difficult to balance the out of pocket expenses that are expected with the expected income of the game. Let me make this perfectly clear. THIS IS A PASSION PROJECT. We are not personally expecting to become the next Minecraft. I super respect the original creator he made something unbelievable original and successful. That was not the goal of this project. Now don't take this the wrong way. We did not half ass this. Our blood sweat and tears were poured into this project. Our expectations are just realistic. It doesn't appeal to the Angry Bird and Mine Craft crowd. I have no problem with this, they are great projects, we just had our own goals. My dad was over Sunday and we were showing him parts of the game and he asked in a loving way if this was a game that could be like Candy Crush or other games with companies making over a billion dollars a year. I told him while we could make one of those games (and I kind of have a weird idea floating in my head that would be close to those) it just wasn't were our passion was. Let me be clear. I want every game to succeed. I have always thought that no matter what game comes out, it could be one persons favorite game, and to that person you are a hero. I hope we achieve this goal in some way shape or form.

Beyond that, I wanted to share a picture from history. Here is the original steno pad where all the games ideas were developed. I just wrote, and wrote and wrote, and filled the whole thing over a summer, and then wrote the script that was over 33 pages of story dialog (not NPC dialog, that was written on the fly referencing the book.) I wanted to share this as a teaser. There are things in here that had no chance of making the game. For instance, I made sigils for every kingdom, I would love to share these for some back story. In fact I would love to pdf the whole thing and include it with the game. In order to keep some interest up, I will try and post some things that couldnt make it to the game but not spoil anything. Ideally, I will be able to pdf this whole thing and include it as an unlockable for those that beat the game. For people that really want every piece of information. Perhaps that and the original script so you can see how things may have changed. I'd love to know if there was interest for that! Speaking of scripts, I delivered the final cut scene to Rob earlier, can't wait to see it in real time. Rob told me he added something incredible in the mean time. I cant wait to see that.

Best wishes all. Cant wait for everyone to have a closer look at the game.


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