Friday, March 17, 2017

Updates and an interesting find!

Hey all,

So I finally went through some of my old books of notes for games. There are at least a dozen game ideas there. Some are just a few pages of notes with design and game mechanics. Some are full on game time lines that could be turned into a game relatively quick pending an actual script. One had a whole 5000 year history written for it. I didn't read it all because it was late and it was long but it was interesting! That doesn't even include the the random ideas my brother and I shoot around all the time. There will be a "State of the Union" post as this project wraps up, but trust me some might be surprised where development is on other projects already. Or that we are in the discovery phase for a new more flexible engine to use for a project idea. Just last night I thought of an idea for a game that I think is so large in scope, ambition, uniqueness that I feel like we need to get other projects done first so we can prove that this is something we can do and achieve that goal at a high level. Of course after I sent the idea to Rob I never heard back from him, I fear that the complexity of it may have broken him! I am just kidding of course, I know he would only find a way to make it better! :)

What's on the table short term. I want to finish the trailer this weekend. It is a busy weekend for me but I think I will be able to get it done. Then I will send it off to Rob, see if he wants to adjust anything and hopefully we will have the rough cut up really soon. I still need to work on the maps for the demo but somehow the trailer picked up the most steam and you just have to roll with what is working at the time! There will be more to show soon!

Here is something else cool. As mentioned in previous posts my artwork was very bad as a child. Somehow my wife and sister found this in a box at my moms place yesterday. The first thing I thought of is that I had to share it here. This is why we seek artistic aid! :)

I don't know when I drew this, but this is my Ninja Turtle. As you can see Leonardo is prominently featured with a sword equaling his height but no eyes. There is also miniature Raphael, I think, that is not colored correctly. I have no idea what the orange things are. I would guess this is from the late 80's. Thanks for saving it mom! :)

Have a great weekend everyone!



I had a brief amount of time last night and I played a game. I played through the first level of Nier : Automata. Wow, that is a cool game, spoilers for the first 30 min to an hour I guess. I can't believe you can make a game have the features of games like Ikaruga, Bayonetta, Strider and Starfox work together so well and so seamlessly. Again, only a small sample size time wise but really impressed and really fun! Recommended so far!

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